Lebanese security forces killed two suspected Islamist militantsSaturday, including the leader of an al-Qaeda-inspired group thatbattled Lebanon's army in 2007, military officials said.
One of those killed was Abdul-Rahman Awad, a Palestinian leaderof the Fatah al-Islam group. Awad's aide, Ghazi Faysal Abdullah, wasalso killed in the shootout in eastern Bekaa Valley, officials said.
Awad was one of the most wanted men in Lebanon.
-- Associated Press
Suspected U.S. missiles killed 12 people Saturday in NorthWaziristan, a Pakistani tribal region filled with Islamistinsurgents bent on pushing Western troops out of neighboringAfghanistan, intelligence officials said.
Also Saturday, gunmen targeted non-ethnic Baluchis -- sometraveling on a bus and others painting a house -- in two attacksin Baluchistan province Saturday, killing 16 people and woundingeight.
A nationalist movement led by ethnic Baluch groups has longsought greater autonomy from the central government for thesouthwestern province.
-- Associated Press
Jamaican authorities imposed new curfews in communities west ofthe capital, Kingston, after 10 people were killed in gang attacksand a shootout with police last week.
The order applies to Tredegar Park, where dozens of residentsfled their homes last year during gang clashes before soldiersarrested about 100 people.
A curfew imposed during the hunt for alleged drug lordChristopher "Dudus" Coke was recently lifted.
-- Associated Press
6 migrants killed near Egypt-Israel border: Six African migrantswere shot dead near Egypt's border with Israel, the highest migrantdeath toll in one day at the border in recent years. Four werekilled by smugglers and two were shot by Egyptian police. The SinaiPeninsula is used as a transit route by African migrants seekingwork or asylum in Israel, as well as by smugglers of drugs andweapons.
2 more protesters killed in Kashmir: Two people were shot deadSaturday by security forces as deaths continued to mount duringweeks of defiant protests against India's rule over thepredominantly Muslim region of Kashmir. At least 57 people have beenkilled since June, and tens of thousands of Kashmiris stageddemonstrations Friday after government forces killed four people.Saturday's incidents occurred in Anantnag, a town south of theregion's main city, Srinagar, and in Narbal, to the north.
Dozens of wildfires rage in Portugal: More than 600 firefighterswere battling at least 26 serious wildfire outbreaks in three areasof Portugal. Fires fanned by strong winds have flared nearsouthwestern Sintra; in an area close to the northern border withSpain; and in the central Serra da Estrela national park.
-- From news services
Lebanese security forces killed two suspected Islamist militantsSaturday, including the leader of an al-Qaeda-inspired group thatbattled Lebanon's army in 2007, military officials said.
One of those killed was Abdul-Rahman Awad, a Palestinian leaderof the Fatah al-Islam group. Awad's aide, Ghazi Faysal Abdullah, wasalso killed in the shootout in eastern Bekaa Valley, officials said.
Awad was one of the most wanted men in Lebanon.
-- Associated Press
Suspected U.S. missiles killed 12 people Saturday in NorthWaziristan, a Pakistani tribal region filled with Islamistinsurgents bent on pushing Western troops out of neighboringAfghanistan, intelligence officials said.
Also Saturday, gunmen targeted non-ethnic Baluchis -- sometraveling on a bus and others painting a house -- in two attacksin Baluchistan province Saturday, killing 16 people and woundingeight.
A nationalist movement led by ethnic Baluch groups has longsought greater autonomy from the central government for thesouthwestern province.
-- Associated Press
Jamaican authorities imposed new curfews in communities west ofthe capital, Kingston, after 10 people were killed in gang attacksand a shootout with police last week.
The order applies to Tredegar Park, where dozens of residentsfled their homes last year during gang clashes before soldiersarrested about 100 people.
A curfew imposed during the hunt for alleged drug lordChristopher "Dudus" Coke was recently lifted.
-- Associated Press
6 migrants killed near Egypt-Israel border: Six African migrantswere shot dead near Egypt's border with Israel, the highest migrantdeath toll in one day at the border in recent years. Four werekilled by smugglers and two were shot by Egyptian police. The SinaiPeninsula is used as a transit route by African migrants seekingwork or asylum in Israel, as well as by smugglers of drugs andweapons.
2 more protesters killed in Kashmir: Two people were shot deadSaturday by security forces as deaths continued to mount duringweeks of defiant protests against India's rule over thepredominantly Muslim region of Kashmir. At least 57 people have beenkilled since June, and tens of thousands of Kashmiris stageddemonstrations Friday after government forces killed four people.Saturday's incidents occurred in Anantnag, a town south of theregion's main city, Srinagar, and in Narbal, to the north.
Dozens of wildfires rage in Portugal: More than 600 firefighterswere battling at least 26 serious wildfire outbreaks in three areasof Portugal. Fires fanned by strong winds have flared nearsouthwestern Sintra; in an area close to the northern border withSpain; and in the central Serra da Estrela national park.
-- From news services
Lebanese security forces killed two suspected Islamist militantsSaturday, including the leader of an al-Qaeda-inspired group thatbattled Lebanon's army in 2007, military officials said.
One of those killed was Abdul-Rahman Awad, a Palestinian leaderof the Fatah al-Islam group. Awad's aide, Ghazi Faysal Abdullah, wasalso killed in the shootout in eastern Bekaa Valley, officials said.
Awad was one of the most wanted men in Lebanon.
-- Associated Press
Suspected U.S. missiles killed 12 people Saturday in NorthWaziristan, a Pakistani tribal region filled with Islamistinsurgents bent on pushing Western troops out of neighboringAfghanistan, intelligence officials said.
Also Saturday, gunmen targeted non-ethnic Baluchis -- sometraveling on a bus and others painting a house -- in two attacksin Baluchistan province Saturday, killing 16 people and woundingeight.
A nationalist movement led by ethnic Baluch groups has longsought greater autonomy from the central government for thesouthwestern province.
-- Associated Press
Jamaican authorities imposed new curfews in communities west ofthe capital, Kingston, after 10 people were killed in gang attacksand a shootout with police last week.
The order applies to Tredegar Park, where dozens of residentsfled their homes last year during gang clashes before soldiersarrested about 100 people.
A curfew imposed during the hunt for alleged drug lordChristopher "Dudus" Coke was recently lifted.
-- Associated Press
6 migrants killed near Egypt-Israel border: Six African migrantswere shot dead near Egypt's border with Israel, the highest migrantdeath toll in one day at the border in recent years. Four werekilled by smugglers and two were shot by Egyptian police. The SinaiPeninsula is used as a transit route by African migrants seekingwork or asylum in Israel, as well as by smugglers of drugs andweapons.
2 more protesters killed in Kashmir: Two people were shot deadSaturday by security forces as deaths continued to mount duringweeks of defiant protests against India's rule over thepredominantly Muslim region of Kashmir. At least 57 people have beenkilled since June, and tens of thousands of Kashmiris stageddemonstrations Friday after government forces killed four people.Saturday's incidents occurred in Anantnag, a town south of theregion's main city, Srinagar, and in Narbal, to the north.
Dozens of wildfires rage in Portugal: More than 600 firefighterswere battling at least 26 serious wildfire outbreaks in three areasof Portugal. Fires fanned by strong winds have flared nearsouthwestern Sintra; in an area close to the northern border withSpain; and in the central Serra da Estrela national park.
-- From news services
Lebanese security forces killed two suspected Islamist militantsSaturday, including the leader of an al-Qaeda-inspired group thatbattled Lebanon's army in 2007, military officials said.
One of those killed was Abdul-Rahman Awad, a Palestinian leaderof the Fatah al-Islam group. Awad's aide, Ghazi Faysal Abdullah, wasalso killed in the shootout in eastern Bekaa Valley, officials said.
Awad was one of the most wanted men in Lebanon.
-- Associated Press
Suspected U.S. missiles killed 12 people Saturday in NorthWaziristan, a Pakistani tribal region filled with Islamistinsurgents bent on pushing Western troops out of neighboringAfghanistan, intelligence officials said.
Also Saturday, gunmen targeted non-ethnic Baluchis -- sometraveling on a bus and others painting a house -- in two attacksin Baluchistan province Saturday, killing 16 people and woundingeight.
A nationalist movement led by ethnic Baluch groups has longsought greater autonomy from the central government for thesouthwestern province.
-- Associated Press
Jamaican authorities imposed new curfews in communities west ofthe capital, Kingston, after 10 people were killed in gang attacksand a shootout with police last week.
The order applies to Tredegar Park, where dozens of residentsfled their homes last year during gang clashes before soldiersarrested about 100 people.
A curfew imposed during the hunt for alleged drug lordChristopher "Dudus" Coke was recently lifted.
-- Associated Press
6 migrants killed near Egypt-Israel border: Six African migrantswere shot dead near Egypt's border with Israel, the highest migrantdeath toll in one day at the border in recent years. Four werekilled by smugglers and two were shot by Egyptian police. The SinaiPeninsula is used as a transit route by African migrants seekingwork or asylum in Israel, as well as by smugglers of drugs andweapons.
2 more protesters killed in Kashmir: Two people were shot deadSaturday by security forces as deaths continued to mount duringweeks of defiant protests against India's rule over thepredominantly Muslim region of Kashmir. At least 57 people have beenkilled since June, and tens of thousands of Kashmiris stageddemonstrations Friday after government forces killed four people.Saturday's incidents occurred in Anantnag, a town south of theregion's main city, Srinagar, and in Narbal, to the north.
Dozens of wildfires rage in Portugal: More than 600 firefighterswere battling at least 26 serious wildfire outbreaks in three areasof Portugal. Fires fanned by strong winds have flared nearsouthwestern Sintra; in an area close to the northern border withSpain; and in the central Serra da Estrela national park.
-- From news services